After receiving confirmation email, please make your payment within 2 days.
If payment not received within 2 days, orders will be cancelled.
If you cant make it within 2 days, email to inform us.
when we received your payment, we will state in the post.
you may find out the status of your orders here.
your co-operation will be appreciated. =)

with love,

JoyceShop [cancelled]

shopping instructions:
shop at PuffyShop
fill up your orders here
and email to us at dollyhouse-@hotmail.com


current shoppers in que:
1.【A13420C】vivi系時髦PARTY亮片上衣 - juliana
2.【R13500C】幾何圖型圓圈圈拼接娃娃裝 - nana

Miko House[cancelled]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

shopping instructions:
shop at Miko House

fill up your orders here
and email to us at dollyhouse-@hotmail.com


current shoppers in que:
1.橫紋漸層剪裁衣身抓皺細肩設計.裙擺微微內縮.秀氣淑女款.7T-21112 - emily[paid]
2.賣家推薦招桃花韓國新品輕透蕾絲V雪紡紗亮片洋裝搭楔型鞋197022 - emily[paid]
3.賣家推薦招桃花韓國新品輕透蕾絲V雪紡紗亮片洋裝搭楔型鞋 - juliana[paid]
4.賣家推薦招桃花韓國新品輕透蕾絲V雪紡紗亮片洋裝搭楔型鞋 - juliana[paid]


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

shopping instructions:
shop at MissPudding

fill up your orders here
and email to us at dollyhouse-@hotmail.com


current shoppers in que:
1.【IH6003】夏日豐胸大v領露背荷葉下擺水鑽背心娃娃裝 - chantel[paid]

2.【IH6003】夏日豐胸大v領露背荷葉下擺水鑽背心娃娃裝 - chantel[paid]
3.【AH6023】夏新款糖果風彩色海軍橫條紋排釦背心小可愛 - nana
4.【CP005T】夏裝新款超Q親子卡通長蜜蜂雙面LOGO短T棉T - nana
5.【AH4267】新款內搭素大U領露肩木釦挖背背心 -nana
6.【GF201T】搶救小腹大v領蝴蝶結小露背荷葉抓皺娃娃裝背心 - nana
7.【GF201T】搶救小腹大v領蝴蝶結小露背荷葉抓皺娃娃裝背心 - emily[paid]
8.【KC737T】夏新款折20金蔥亮片假兩件高腰長版小可愛背心娃娃裝 - emily[paid]
9.【LM3356】夏新款折20度假南洋風花朵幾何大U領高腰綁帶棉T短T - nana
10.【CP513T】性感露肩美式亮粉音符長版棉T短袖小洋裝 - estee


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

shopping instructions:
shop at CutieFashion

fill up your orders here
and email to us at dollyhouse-@hotmail.com


current shoppers in que:
1.【A94064】蝴蝶公主長版素T - weiteng
2.【A94064】蝴蝶公主長版素T - weiteng
3.【070541】千層派平肩腰綁帶洋 - weiteng
4.【A95004】卡其釦羅紋開扣帽T - huimei
5.【050032】可愛小斑馬項鍊 - nana
6.【092666】紅愛心項鍊二扣背3件式 - emily[paid]
7.【A92167】Eleven彩虹系亮鑽y字背心 - ting
8.【A90901】繡皇冠手提包 - ting
9.【A90901】繡皇冠手提包 - ting
10.【093836】繽紛樂五彩圓點襯衫 - nana
11.【A96084】單邊側綁帶寬版英文T - estee

PgMall [cancelled]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

shopping instructions:
shop at PgMall
fill up your orders here
and email to us at dollyhouse-@hotmail.com

current shoppers in que:
1.G905 街頭閃亮漆皮斜背包 - lina
2.G905 街頭閃亮漆皮斜背包 - germaine
3.G949漆皮圓點洞洞肩背大方包 - nana
4.G815定番式皮革の斜背包 - nana

things to take note!
1. Spree will cancelled if there is low response
2. I will not be responsible for any mistakes by the seller.
[But I will try my best to prevent any mistakes]
3. I will not be responsible for any lost mail
4. items will only reach sg in about 14days
5. no refund for cancelled orders
6. refund will be made if item is out-of-stock
7. meet-up is allowed
clear ur doubts b4 ordering

* Estimated exchange rate:
- 0.055
- shipping charges:
belts, accessories, $4
top, $5
dress,bags $6
jeans, $6.50

price of item in SG : eg. 190NT x 0.055 + 5
my account no. : posb savings 209-62110-0

** 1.shop at our spree
** 2.fill up our order form and email to xinelena-@hotmail.com
** 3.wait for confirmation email
** 4.make payment within 2days
** 5.email us your transaction no.

click to go Dollyhouse CLOSED SPREE